Tips for Maintaining a Low Sugar Diet

Many people are looking for ways to lose weight and be healthier overall, but don’t always know where to begin. Whether you have already experienced health problems, or you simply want you and your family to experience better general health, there is one step you can take that can help you achieve this goal: reducing sugar in your diet. While this sounds like a simple task, it isn’t just as easy as switching from regular sodas to diet versions. To truly achieve the goal of reducing sugar in your diet, you need to know how to look for hidden sugars, and incorporate a few tricks into your daily low-sugar diet. Read on for a few tips on lessening sugar intake to achieve better health.

Know the Sugars

While some foods will explicitly say the word “sugar” in its list of ingredients, most will not. If you see the words fructose, glucose, maltodextrin or dextrose, the food you are buying contains sugars from these sources. By looking for these words, you will be able to be aware of hidden sugars that might be lurking in your foods and drinks, preventing you from being successful at a low-sugar diet.

Most Processed Foods Contain Sugars

If you weren’t looking at the ingredients label, it might be easy to assume that certain storebought prepared foods contain no sugar. For example, a can of corn likely contains sugar. However, if you buy fresh corn, or even frozen corn, you can eliminate this unnecessary extra sugar from your diet. By watching those labels, you can decide which foods you should buy fresh or frozen, or make from scratch, to continue on your low sugar diet.

Splurge on Occasion

Once you know that most processed provide you with more sugar than you need on your low sugar diet, you may be tempted to avoid them altogether. There are, however, sugar free versions of many great packaged foods that can make cooking easy without giving you those unnecessary sugars. Sometimes these sugar free foods are more expensive than traditional versions, but they are still less expensive (not to mention less time-consuming) than cooking those same foods from scratch. Not only that, but if you find a great sugar-free candy or chocolate that you like, be sure to keep it handy so that you don’t end up giving into a craving and taking in too much sugar.

Don’t Let Names Fool You

Some foods and drinks that sound healthy and harmless, such as apple juice, actually contain added sugars that are not necessary. There are two great ways to combat this – you can purchase low-sugar juices or juices that have no added sugar, or you can skip the juice and have fresh fruit and water instead. Just be sure to watch the labels and don’t trust the name alone just because it has a healthy sound to it.

Thanks for reading our article! If you are ready to stock up on sugar-free foods, visit Linda’s Diet Delites to find exactly what you need to help you stick to your diet!


Boost Metabolism Through Low-Carb Diet – New Study Shows Promising Results

If you have debated using a low carb diet to lose weight, but you aren’t sure if this is the best type of diet to really achieve lasting weight loss, a new study might give the answer you have been searching for. Although this newest study is preliminary and the test group was a small number of people, the results are promising. Read on to learn more about what has recently been determined about the benefits of a low-carb diet.
The Low Carb Diet Study
Because low carb diets are extremely popular, the number of studies being done to determine their effectiveness (as well as any side effects) are always increasing. This newest preliminary study focused on the diet’s calorie-burning impact. Just as muscle burns more calories daily than fat does, diet can play a role in the body’s metabolism, making it burn calories at a faster rate, even when sedentary. This study compared the effects on metabolism of a low carb diet to both a low fat diet and low glycemic index diet (commonly called the Mediterranean diet). This low-carb diet study was performed on obese people that lost weight before the study, and was performed to compare the results of the three diets during the “maintaining the weight loss” phase of dieting.
Results of the New Low Carb Diet Study
To lose weight and keep it off can be difficult, but if one diet over another increases the metabolism even when not exercising, it will make the process of keeping weight off easier for dieters. The results of this preliminary study showed that, out of the three types of diets studied, the low carb diet continues to burn more calories every day than the other two types. According to USA Today’s report, the low carb diet used in this study was one in which participants only received 10% of their daily calories from carbohydrates, and with testing throughout the week, the patients on this diet were shown to burn an average of 300 extra calories per day. For some people, this is the equivalent to an hour of walking or other moderate exercise.
The Benefit of Low Carb Diets Burning Calories
If your body is burning approximately an extra 300 calories per day, this will not only allow you to maintain weight loss, but can even result in a slow continuation of the weight loss (since burning off 3500 calories results in a pound of weight loss, this would result in about a pound lost every 12 days or so). If you add in exercise with your low carb diet, your metabolism would be increased even more, resulting in additional weight loss.
Thanks for reading our article! Are you ready to increase your metabolism through a low carb diet? Check out our great selection of low carb foods to make dieting simple by visiting Lindas Diet Delites.


Conquer that Chocolate Craving with Sugar-Free Hershey’s Products!

We are proud to announce that we now have a variety of Hershey’s Sugar Free products available on our site at Linda’s Diet Delites.

Whether you are looking for some great Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup, or you want a dark chocolate or milk chocolate candy piece, we’ve got your chocolate cravings covered, but without the sugar!

Not only that, but we also have Hershey’s Jolly Ranchers for those craving a fruity flavor of candy.

Keep your cabinet stocked with these great sugar-free options that can conquer any chocolate or candy craving, but without the unwanted sugar.


The Carb/Cellulite Relationship – Learn How to Reduce Cellulite Through Diet

If you battle cellulite, you are among millions who have wondered the same thing as you: what can be done to get rid of those dimples that seem to taunt you in the mirror? You may have tried lotions, creams, gels and anything else that promised toning and tightening and promised to banish the bumps, only to be saddened by virtually no results. But did you know that the foods you consume, such as carbs, can be related to cellulite? Read on to learn more about using diet as one method to help prevent and treat cellulite.
Many Factors Cause Cellulite
It is important to remember that cellulite is not caused by just one factor, and for some people it can be virtually impossible to rid their bodies of cellulite by eliminating carbohydrates or by exercising more. In the same way that some people get stretch marks during pregnancy and others don’t, cellulite can not only be caused by diet and exercise habits, but hereditary factors and age play a part as well. While there is no surefire way to rid your body completely of cellulite forever, there are many steps you can take, such as sticking to a low carb diet, to lessen the appearance of cellulite.
The Hidden Causes of Cellulite
If you exercise to tone your body up and use lotions that are designed to fight aging and cellulite, but still are seeing no difference in the dimply appearance you hate, consider altering your diet to achieve the results you want. Too many refined sugars and carbs in a diet have been shown to contribute to the appearance of cellulite. By reducing the intake of carbs daily, you can help lessen this orange-peel appearance on the legs, buttocks, belly and other parts of the body. In addition to carbs contributing to cellulite, studies have shown that increasing the intake of whole grains can help combat this type of fat as well. This is good news for low carb dieters, because increasing the amounts of whole grains in the diet can help combat any hunger or cravings that may ensue in the beginning of a low carbohydrate diet.
Don’t Expect Overnight Results
It takes a long time for a body to change, and while it may seem that cellulite dimples appeared virtually overnight and never left, this isn’t actually the case. Cellulite likely developed over years due to genetics, age, weight, and exercise and eating habits. Keep this in mind when you lower carb intake to decrease the appearance of cellulite. Once you adjust your diet and consume more whole grains and less carbs, cellulite appearance will slowly begin to decrease. And it doesn’t hurt to continue to do toning exercises and use hydrating lotions or gels at the same time to achieve maximum results.
Thanks for reading our article! If you are ready to start a low carb diet to combat cellulite, visit our store at Lindas Diet Delites today to find a wide selection of great foods that can help you achieve that diet goal!  

Good News for Diabetics – Protein Rich Meal Replacements Show Improvement in Blood Glucose Control

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, or you have a predisposition for developing the disease later, you will likely do everything in your power to either control the disease or possibly reverse it, depending on your particular situation. With consistent studies, new drugs, and new foods becoming available, experts are learning more and more ways to combat the disease. Read on to learn about one of the newest studies on the link between protein meal replacements and diabetes and how this information can help you.

A Pilot Study on Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Keep in mind while reading the following information that the study is just a pilot, meaning that it is the first of its kind and if the results are positive, there will likely be more to follow. This pilot study was performed on patients with type 2 Diabetes, and was performed to determine if there is a link between blood sugar levels and protein-rich meal replacements. Since this was the pilot study, it only followed 22 diabetes patients instead of the higher numbers that larger, more thorough clinical studies follow. Not only was a it a low number of patients in the study, but they were also followed for only a 14-week period. However, the results of this first study were positive, which means there will be more in-depth, long-term studies to follow that will better determine the link between protein-rich meal replacements and better glucose control – in fact, scientists are gearing up for a study in Germany that will consist of hundreds of diabetes patients to determine real results.

The Results and Link Between Diabetes and Protein Meal Replacements

In this pilot study, which was presented to the American Diabetes Association, over half of the people involved saw benefits by replacing meals with a specific protein-rich meal replacement. The benefits seen included losing weight, lowering BMI (body mass index), insulin dosages were able to be lowered, fasting glucose levels were lower, along with many other beneficial side effects. While the actual protein meal replacement that was used in the study was the brand Almased, there are many comparable products available on the market as well. Extend Bar Extend Shakes offer the same gluten-free, low fat, low carb, high protein meal replacement option as the brand used in the pilot study.

If you want to try to use a great meal replacement to try to regulate blood sugar levels, Extend Bar Extend Shakes are a great option. With many different flavors to choose from, you are sure to find one that will work for you. To attempt to see similar results as patients in the study (but of course it is important to consult your physician first), you would need to replace all meals with a protein-rich meal replacement for the first week. For the next three weeks, you would want to replace two meals a day with a protein meal replacement, and then just one a day for the rest of the time. Whatever brand you choose to use, be sure it is glucose-free and low in carbs and high in protein, otherwise you won’t likely see the same blood sugar regulation as the study showed.

Thanks for reading our article! If you want to try your own protein-rich meal replacement diet to help manage your diabetes, visit our website at Linda’s Diet Delites for great prices! Be sure to check with your doctor first!




Gluten-Free Diet Goes Mainstream – What This Means for Celiac Disease Patients

For anyone with a serious health condition that requires a certain type of diet, it is nice when mainstream dieters take on the same diet, simply because manufacturers of foods tend to supply whatever has demand. As the cases of diabetes has grown in America, so have the number of food items that contain little or no sugar or carbs. Similarly, as the number of cases of diagnosed Celiac disease has grown, so has the number of people taking on a gluten-free diet that do not have an intolerance for gluten. The more people that are on a gluten free diet, the more companies create and offer products that fit these needs. However, there is a downside when this happens. Read on to learn how gluten free diets entering the mainstream weight loss scene can have a negative effect on those that truly need it.
The Real Reason for a Gluten Free Diet
When a person has Celiac disease, it means that their intestines are damaged by foods containing gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye). Their bodies will react to gluten as if it were toxic, causing damage to the lining of the small intestine. This ultimately results in a lack of absorption of nutrients in other foods, and can lead to malnutrition among other negative effects. According to recent information, it is believed that 1 in 133 Americans suffers from Celiac disease, with even more suffering from some other form of gluten intolerance. To combat Celiac disease, the goal is to prevent the damage from occurring to the small intestine by removing or limiting gluten in the diet.
The Gluten Free Bandwagon
As happens with many popular diets that started with a disease, people not suffering from Celiac disease will see weight loss or other benefits in those on a gluten free diet, and then decide to try it for themselves. In the recent case of Miley Cyrus, she was accused of having bulemia or anorexia due to sudden and rapid weight loss, which she combated by saying she had to be on a gluten-free diet due to food allergies. However, she took it a step further by tweeting that everyone should try a gluten free diet for at least a week. Although health experts advise against going on such a strict diet when health does not demand it, people still tend to follow any diet they believe has had success. And Miley is just one of many celebrities that have touted the benefits of a gluten-free diet.
The Damage Caused by a Diet Going Mainstream
Ten, or even five, years ago, there were very little options available to those on a gluten-free diet due to Celiac disease or other health reasons. But one in 133 is a fairly large number, and food manufacturers want to make as much money as possible – so the more people needing gluten-free foods, the more gluten-free foods became available. However, the problem lies in that many of the products available are manufactured and marketed to those on a gluten-free diet for weight loss, not those on a gluten-free diet due to a medical condition. For example, Domino’s Pizza recently started offering a pizza with a “gluten-free crust.” A dream come true for those with Celiac disease, right? Wrong. Just like so many others, the pizza is really marketed toward those who are cutting gluten out of their diet by choice, and their website specifically states “Domino’s® pizza made with a Gluten Free Crust is prepared in a common kitchen with the risk of gluten exposure. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness supports the availability of Domino’s® Gluten Free Crust but CANNOT recommend the pizza for customers with celiac disease. Customers with gluten sensitivities should exercise judgment in consuming this pizza.”
What This Means for Celiac Disease Sufferers
It is important to remember that, although there are more gluten-free foods available on the market to choose from, those with medical conditions related to gluten should still read all labels and nutritional information on any food before they buy it. The name “gluten-free” as a title should not be enough to garner your trust – instead, be safe and know what you are actually eating before you eat it.   
Thanks for reading our article! If you are on a gluten-free diet, you can easily stock up on a variety of food options at our store. Linda’s Diet Delites offers an entire gluten-free section, and all of our foods that are listed as gluten-free are manufactured with Celiac disease in mind. Read our informational labels and find exactly what you need, all in one place!

Do Low Carb Diets Cause Kidney Damage? New Study Reveals Truth

There are always concerns with any type of diet, particularly any diet that cuts out a certain type of food or puts extreme restrictions on certain types of foods. A prime example of this is a low carb diet. In the beginning, experts worried that cholesterol levels would be increased in low carb dieters, simply because there are no restraints on fatty meats and cheeses. However, many studies have shown that this is actually not an adverse effect of the low carb diet. In recent years, however, the concern has been that kidneys can be damaged due to a low carb diet. Finally, there are study results to determine whether or not this is true – read on to find out the results. 

The Reason for Concern

The reasoning behind the concern of a low carb diet causing damage to the kidneys is the amount of protein that is allowable on a low carb diet. Since proteins are virtually unlimited on any low-carb diet, the concern is that the kidneys can’t process the increased amount, ultimately leading to permanent damage to the kidneys as a result. Until now, there have been no real long-term studies done on the effects of a low carb diet on the kidneys.

Good News for Low Carb Dieters

The most recent study on the effects of a low carb diet on the kidneys has shown promising results for those who live by this type of diet. This two-year study, which was conducted by the Indiana University School of Medicine, compared two groups of obese patients – one group being on a low fat diet and the other being on a low carb diet. In this study, they only used patients that did not have any existing kidney damage or chronic kidney problems. In the group that was on a low carbohydrate diet, there was no more adverse effects on the kidneys than in those on the low fat diet. Since this is the largest and longest study that has been done on this topic, it is definitely good news for those on a low carb diet.

If you are on a low carb diet, you want to make sure you have everything you need to be successful. One of the keys to success is to have more options available, so that you don’t get bored with your food options. To stock up on great low carb foods, visit our store at Linda’s Diet Delites, and get great-tasting foods that won’t break your carb budget! 




Opt for Low Carb Diets to Lose Weight Without Starving

There is always a new diet on the horizon, something that promises to make you skinny in a quick way, and many of them, such as low carb diets, actually work. However, how many diets require that you feel like you are starving (or actually do starve you in order to lose the weight)? A lot, actually.

The Extreme Feeding Tube Diet

One of the newest fads in dieting is the new trend for brides-to-be. They want to quickly lose weight before their wedding, so they go on a “feeding tube diet.” This diet literally consists of getting all nutrition through a feeding tube. The tube provides a low carb and low calorie diet and intentionally throws the body into ketosis to force it to burn its own existing fat for fuel.

However, low carb diets do the exact same thing, but you don’t have to feel hungry all the time to achieve the same results. For most people, one of the biggest selling points of the low carb diet is that you don’t have to starve while on it. So many diets (including the feeding tube diet) require that you are left feeling hungry and craving foods all the time, whereas a low carb diet allows you to feel full while still losing weight.

We Have to be Honest with Ourselves

In order to lose weight (particularly if we want to keep the weight off for any length of time at all), we have to first be honest with ourselves. Unless you have a medical condition that contributes to your weight, it was a weakness for certain foods that got you to a place you are uncomfortable with. If, given that you are still the same person battling your own weaknesses constantly, you are given a choice between eliminating carbs but eating as much protein as you want, or not putting a bite of food into your mouth at all, which would you choose? It’s certainly easier to stick with a low carb diet and feel full, and battle only cravings for carbs, than it is to battle cravings for carbs, protein and fat and feeling like you are starving. It seems like a very slim chance the success rate of this new form of low carb diet will be very high, even in the short term.

Instead of feeling like you are starving, opt for the more doable version of a high carb diet and feel full all the time! Browse our selection of great low carb foods to enjoy while losing weight at just as quickly of a rate as those getting all their nutrition from a feeding tube!


Low Carb – The Many Variations

Low carb diets are known for being a great option for weight loss, but what does a low carb diet really mean? Is it as simple as lowering your intake of carbohydrates in order to lose a few pounds? Not necessarily, according to the powers that be in the diet world. There are many variations of low carb diets that can make it very difficult to know which one to choose. Read on to learn about the most popular low carb diets and the differences between them so you can better determine which one will work for you.

The Atkins Low Carb Diet

The most well-known, and likely still the most popular form of a low carb diet, The Atkins Diet has been around for decades and was the first of its kind. It allows for a very limited number of carbs in the diet, with the first few days being even more limited than later in the diet, and is likely the most extreme form of low carb dieting that people choose. It is the topic of much debate about whether the unlimited amounts of protein and limited carbs are healthy (although studies have shown that those on Atkins don’t have an increase in bad cholesterol, and in fact have an increase in good cholesterol instead). In addition, the process of putting the body into ketosis (a stage in which you consume so few carbs the body is forced to burn its own fat for fuel) can actually harm muscle mass and create a state in the body that offers quick results in a manner that is hard to maintain on a daily basis. However, it is still being debated and studied regularly, and there is likely a reason it is still the most-used low carb diet.

The Diabetic’s Low Carb Diet

For many, the entire reason for going on any type of low carb diet is due to a predisposition for (or even a diagnosis of) diabetes. However, this type of diet is not limited only to those that are at high risk of developing the disease. Adopting a healthy low carb diet and maintaining it is one of the best ways to keep this and other diseases at bay. Because carbohydrates are processed in the body as a sugar, lowering the intake of carbs naturally leads to more regulated blood sugar levels.

According to WebMD, one study showed that diabetics on a low-carb diet designed specifically with diabetes in mind were able to cut their insulin dependency in half over a 22-month period. The diabetics’ low carb diet is one of the low carb variations that is specifically designed to regulate blood sugar levels, and it is restrictive, but not quite as restrictive as the Atkins.

Low Carbs in Phases

The South Beach Diet is a popular type of low carb diet that utilizes phases to create weight loss and better health. The beginning requires a strict Atkins-style form of carbohydrate restriction in order to eliminate the sugar and starch cravings that most people typically endure. Once the beginning strict low carb phase is passed, healthy carbs can be reintroduced to the diet. Many believe that this type of low carb diet is one of the best variations because it may be easier to stick with over time than a more restrictive type.

Eating Like a Caveman

The paleolithic diet is one type of low carb diet that offers a variation that goes by one simple rule – eat like a caveman. This variation on the low carb diet requires that you eat as you would long ago, before so many processed foods were readily available. Sugars and other modern day foods are banned, and meats are allowed in abundance (just as it would have been during paleolithic times). While dieters on the “caveman diet” typically show success in weight loss and health, in some ways it is more limiting than the Atkins form of low carb diet. Atkins promotes protein bars and other store-bought processed foods as part of the daily low carb diet, but the paleolithic diet frowns on these types of foods. Eating in an all-natural way that is also low in carb is of course a healthy option in most cases, but it might not always be easy to stick with.

Whatever type of low carb diet you choose to follow, you are sure to experience weight loss if you stick with it. And of course, it is always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider to make sure that any diet you consider undertaking is safe.

When you do choose your preferred variation of a low carb diet, be sure to stop by our store at Linda’s Diet Delites to find a variety of low carb snacks, mixes, breads and more!

Rethink Your Diet for the Summer Months

When the summer months arrive, dietary needs often  change. Because there is more heat during the day, as well as the likelihood of being more active than during cold winter months, you will want to consider changing your intake of certain foods and drinks. In addition, the exposure to even more food during the summer can interfere with a healthier diet and lifestyle. Barbecues and parties, as well as weddings (with their fattening receptions) are all opportunities for exposure to food that doesn’t bode well for your body. Read on to learn a few tips for changing your diet to accommodate summer needs, as well as how to avoid those summertime diet pitfalls.

Better Hydration is a Requirement

Whether you eat low carb or not, better hydration is important during summer months. Consuming more water is always the obvious, and most talked-about, solution. However, if you don’t care for water, or you find yourself always coming up short of the recommended 8 glasses a day, you do have other options. By drinking less caffeine, which is dehydrating, you can allow your body to be more hydrated using the water you do consume. In addition, by adding in fresh berries and melons to your low carb or other diet, you will instantly increase your water intake. This is the best time of year to do so, since most fruits are in season and they feel light on the stomach.

Consume More Salads

If you like salads, mid-summer is definitely the best time to eat more. They are fresh and filling, and offer a variety of nutrients in a natural way. However, it is important to watch your dressing, including the amount and the type. Many salad dressings can be high in calorie count, carbs and an excess of a variety of negative contents. When possible, opt for a low carb salad dressing or low fat free salad dressing to accommodate your summertime salads. It is also a great idea to squirt lemon juice or another citrus flavor on the salad and use that as the only dressing on occasion.

Frozen Treats can be Tempting

When the weather heats up, it can be tempting to delve into an ice cold ice cream cone or a fruity snow cone. However, either of these are full of diet-ruining qualities. Instead, you can stock up on sugar free ice cream treats or healthy frozen snacks that will quench that craving for something cold without doing damage to your healthy lifestyle.

Hot Dogs and Hamburgers Damage any Low Carb Diet

In the past, this has been the case – either you skip the hot dog or hamburger altogether (which is not only difficult, but sometimes offensive to the barbecue host), or you eat it without the bun. Although it is possible to eat a hot dog or hamburger without the bun to achieve your low carb goals during the summer, it’s just not the same. Thankfully, low carb bun options have become more readily available for those summertime favorites, and now it’s possible to enjoy the same foods as others without ruining your carb count.

Whether you are in search of low carb and low calorie frozen snacks or you need some low carb buns to get you through the summertime months, we offer the perfect low carb healthy options for you here! (We also have a wide selection of gluten free and sugar free foods as well to accommodate almost any special diet!)